
A Day Retreat for Catechists

August 27, 2022

Before you embark on another year of faith sharing, take some time to nourish your (or your catechist team’s) own spiritual and emotional life. Rekindle your zeal to pass on the faith. Register as a group or individuals.

Stilling the Soul: Positive Ways to Manage Stress

June 11, 2022

Stress is part of all of our lives and comes from many sources: marital issues, family disputes, chronic illness, work, loss of a loved one, unsettling national or world events. Join us for a relaxing day of calming activities, explore practical ways to manage stress and refresh our souls.

Mercy and Gratitude: A mini-retreat with Dorothy Day

April 2, 2022

Dorothy Day founded the Catholic Worker Movement to serve the poor and seek justice, embodying the works of mercy and the practice of gratitude. We will use Dorothy’s life and writings to explore our own spiritual journeys. The retreat will combine prayer, guided reflections, personal contemplation, and group sharing.

Rekindle Your Zeal: Self-Care for Catechists

March 5, 2022

Many catechists today tell us they feel worn down. It's natural but not inevitable. Join us for a day to refresh your spirit and rekindle your zeal.

Through the Eyes of St. Joseph

December 11, 2021

Presented by Fr. Ron Will On this Advent Day of Prayer, we will contemplate the experience of God being born into human flesh as Jesus of Nazareth, looking at the experience through the eyes of St. Joseph, his foster father.

Sacred Church – Sinful Church: Creating a community of lamentation and hope

November 20, 2021 – November 21, 2021

A weekend retreat for folks who have been hurt by the church they love. Using shared storytelling and prayer, Fr. Bill Nordenbrock will lead participants through lamentation to renewed hope.

Repairers of the Breach: Reconciling Division, Healing Community

September 25, 2021

Like the early church in Corinth, we struggle with division and disunity, but St. Paul tells us that we have been given “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5, 18). This day of reflection will explore what that means and what we need for that ministry.

Nature’s Revelation: ‘Every Common Bush Afire with God’

September 18, 2021

Our verdant 30-acre campus will be a prayerbook for a guided meditation on the power of God’s creation. Then we’ll give expression to our brush with the Divine through art: drawing, painting, dancing, poetry, journaling, music, photography — however the Spirit moves you.

Step away for awhile, renew your mind and spirit

June 4, 2021 – June 6, 2021

A Stay-at-Home Directed Retreat is a personally guided prayer experience over three days. Each retreatant meets with a spiritual director daily for reflection and spiritual discernment.

Living in the Presence of God: The Contemplative Journey

April 17, 2021

Drawing on personal experience and the wisdom of spiritual guides, Kathy Keary leads us on a journey to discover the beauty of abiding in the presence of the Holy One. Emphasis is on practical steps to practice.