Hope Beyond Hope: A Winter Solstice Celebration

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  • Precious Blood Renewal Center
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    Dec. 21, 2023 | Thursday

    6:30-8 p.m. central time

    In-person and Zoom options available.

    To help you prepare for the evening, download and reflect on these questions: Winter Solstice 2023 Hope Beyond Hope Reflections

    During the darkest periods of history,
    quite often a small number of men and women,
    scattered throughout the world,
    have been able to reverse the course of historical evolution.
    This was only possible because they hoped beyond all hope.
               –Roger Schultz, Abbot of Taize

    As the world continues to bear the scars of war, polarization, and exclusion, we gather on the Winter Solstice to remember how God transcends the bitter divisions that cause us to despair and offers us the opportunity to “hope beyond hope” that a new day of peace, justice, and equality for all will dawn.

    Our gathering this evening will once again include a contemplative walk to the Reconciliation Labyrinth with luminaries to light the way. Dress warmly and wear good shoes.

    We will also make a Yule Wreath to take home. We will conclude with a simple supper.

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