
Hope Beyond Hope: A Winter Solstice Celebration

December 21, 2023

We gather on the Winter Solstice to remember how God transcends the bitter divisions that cause us to despair and offers us the opportunity to “hope beyond hope.”

Four Guides for Your Advent Journey

December 5, 2023

Take an Advent pilgrimage with four biblical guides who will lead us on the road to Bethlehem. Our destination isn’t a place, though; it is a person. Our journey is to meet Jesus Christ.

Becoming Eucharistic People

October 3, 2023 – October 24, 2023

The Synod that opens in Rome in October has named three priority issues: “communion, participation and mission.” The speakers for this series use these priorities to reflect on the Eucharist. They will lead us into a deeper engagement with the Eucharist and inspires us to be missionary disciples.

The Death Penalty from a Faith Perspective

October 10, 2023

What does the church teach about the death penalty? What do you believe? Using personal histories, scripture, the Catechism and social science, Fr. Mark Miller, CPPS, will guide us through the church’s evolving understanding of the death penalty.

Waking Up White Book Study

September 6, 2023

What is racism and how does it affect me? What is white privilege and how does it affect me? These are some of the questions we will explore while reading and discussing Debby Irving’s book Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race.

Introduction to Centering Prayer

June 10, 2023 – June 17, 2023

Learn more about how to practice this form of silent prayer rooted in ancient Christian tradition. It is a remarkably simple method, related to meditation, that opens one to God’s gift of contemplative prayer. A two-part workshop.

Rescheduled: Matthew’s Insights into Jesus

April 25, 2023

The Gospel According to Matthew can be a challenging book, but it also gives great insights into the life of Jesus and gives us the opportunity to learn deeply from our tradition as we seek Christ in the world today. Led by Fr. Keith Branson.

The Eucharistic Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin

February 23, 2023 – March 23, 2023

We will examine Eucharistic theology and practice prayer forms in light of the spirituality of the French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, who saw the Eucharist as a living symbol of the ongoing incarnation of the cosmos.

Advent Prayer Experience: Let every heart prepare him room

December 3, 2022 – December 6, 2022

These 90 minutes will teach you how to take full advantage of this Advent Season, not by doing more but by pausing, listening and refocusing on Jesus’ invitation to meet him anew this Christmas.

Book Study: The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr

October 18, 2022 – May 16, 2023

Facilitated by Fr. Garry Richmeier CPPS Drawing on scripture, history, and spiritual practice, Richard Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world.