By Fr. Timothy Armbruster, C.PP.S.
Today’s Readings
Can you imagine what must have been going through Jospeh’s mind as he heard the news that his beloved was with child? All the many questions and doubts that must have been running through his mind.
And, as scripture says, being a righteous man, he knew the law and its penalties and to avoid all that shame, decides to divorce her quietly.
He was trying to look out for the both of them under the law. What a mess! What a mess at times life can be.
Joseph was trying to do the right thing. Trying to respond to the situation the best he could. But he only knew part of the story. He was responding to what he knew and understood.
And then the dream and the angel appeared and everything changed.
In our own lives, when we are faced with challenges and have to make decisions, how much is based upon what little we know and how open are we to God’s guidance?
In panic mode, how open are we to the possibility of other options?
What challenges are we facing today? Have we made a decision? Is it just based upon what we know and understand or do we allow room for God to intervene and make a difference?
Blessings on your Advent journey.
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[Fr. Timothy Armbruster is a Precious Blood priest whose ministry has focused on parish work and retreats for youth and young adults. He holds a Master’s of Divinity Degree from Catholic Theological Union and describes himself as “a clown at heart.” Fr. Timothy incorporates clown ministry into his work to open our hearts, to seek laughter and happiness, and to see the world around us a bit differently. “In the stuffiness of life, we need God’s humor to see things anew,” he says.]
ID 137219174 | Advent © Nicole Lienemann |
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