As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to bring us to our knees economically, socially and in our community Gatherings, we fall on our knees tonight to pray to our God to be with us and see us through this awful time.
Be comfortable with the silence after the chance and readings. Use it to reflect on the word you have just heard or chanted.
Together, we pray:
God of life,
we continue to stand under the shadow of the cross of Covid-19.
The numbers of those infected continue and the death toll climbs.
It is a time of fear and confusion as we cry out to you in our distress.
As your heart breaks at the suffering of your people,
you bend your ear and hear our prayer
As we walked this holy way, help us to empty ourselves
to make a space for your Paschal mystery.
Open our eyes to see you,
our ears to hear your voice.
You do not abandon us, but send your Son, Jesus,
to walk this road with us.
With our fragile faith,
you give us the courage to remember how
you accompany us along the way,
to remind us we are not alone but stand together
under the weight of this cross.
Thank you for joining us from various places around the world in this online Taize prayer. God bless.
Stay safe and healthy until we meet again in prayer.
Join the Precious Blood Renewal Center team for a prayer service in the Taize style. This video goes live on three locations Aug. 6.
Taizé Prayer is sung, ecumenical community prayer. It originated with a monastic community in France and has spread to numerous spots around the world. The prayer service uses chant melodies and simple accompaniment along with moments of silence in a meditative atmosphere, to allow the finger of God to touch one’s soul.
Nothing is more conducive to communion with the living God than meditative common prayer. When the mystery of God becomes tangible through the simple beauty of symbols, when it is not smothered by too many words, then a common prayer awakens us to heaven’s joy on earth.
Precious Blood Renewal Center welcomes everyone. It is a safe and sacred place for all people, offering healing and hope, renewal and reconciliation. The center is a ministry of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, a Roman Catholic religious congregation.
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Hosted by Fr. Ron Will, C.PP.S.
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Assembling God's Puzzle Coffee with Padre Cooking & Spirituality Encounters of the 4th Kind Family Matters Reflections on the Eucharsitic Prayers Spiritual Resources Taize Prayers The Contemplative Life Traveling with Pilgrims of Hope Uncategorized Videos Week of Prayer for Uhristian Unity When you need a little help