June 19, 2023
By Fr. Ron Will, CPPS
When I was pastor of St Francis Xavier Parish in St. Joseph, Missouri, I fell in love with the designs in the stained-glass windows of the church. It spoke very powerfully to me as a symbol of God’s waiting, arms open to embrace us. God wants to embrace you.
June 6, 2023
By Fr. Ron Will
June 1 marks the beginning of hurricane season. The destructive force of a hurricane does not compare to the destructive force of the divisions that we allow to come between us, when we fail to share the peace and forgiveness that Jesus gave us in the Holy Spirit. Today’s word is Unity.
May 29, 2023
By Fr. Ron Will, CPPS
When we live under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we participate in a new creation. We say we are “Living in the Season of the Holy Spirit.” Over the next seven weeks, I will be exploring seven key words or concepts. Today the first word is: forgiveness.
January 24, 2022
By Kathy Keary
Distractions while engaged in silent prayer can be discouraging even though we all experience it. Using a sacred word to return to the stillness can be helpful.
March 23, 2021
First question: Why make a directed retreat? The aim of a directed retreat is to intentionally set aside quality time for you and God to be together and to grow more deeply in that relationship.
September 23, 2020
By Kathy Keary
Spiritual renewal requires intentionality and priority setting. It’s imperative that we design our days, weeks, months, and years to include ample time for Sabbath rest. Our welfare depends on it.
July 6, 2020
By Kathy Keary Part 2 of 2. Read Part 1 Here. In our last article, the Circle was described as a too...
June 15, 2020
by Kathy Keary In our world today, so much is happening. It can gnaw at our sense of well-being. A c...
June 10, 2020
By Kathy Keary
If you experience stresses in your life or are weighed down by emotional baggage, you may find the focusing method to be freeing. In this video, we demonstrate how to do focusing.
June 8, 2020
Feeling a bit disconnected from your spiritual life? Here are two ways to reconnect. During these w...
Assembling God's Puzzle Coffee with Padre Cooking & Spirituality Encounters of the 4th Kind Family Matters Reflections on the Eucharsitic Prayers Spiritual Resources Taize Prayers The Contemplative Life Uncategorized Videos Week of Prayer for Uhristian Unity When you need a little help