Prayer in the Time of Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic has rapidly transformed life as we know it for lots of people across the world. For many, COVID-19 carries challenges and feelings of anxiety, fear, isolation, economic hardship and other stresses. However, we are not alone in our feelings knowing we can ease those fears by prayer.

Today and every day let us pray:
For those whose health is compromised by the coronavirus or other health issues.
For those who feel isolated, especially the elderly.
For those who are suffering from economic hardships, especially those in the hospitality, manufacturing and travel     industries.
For those on limited incomes who depend on food banks and public assistance to meet their needs.
For health care workers.
For first responders and other public servants.
For the leaders of the world, our country, states and cities, as they seek to help manage this challenge.

God, you remind us to not be afraid, to examine our own hearts, and turn our hearts, hands and prayers toward the concern of others.

We thank for you Lord for the opportunity to serve you here at Precious Blood Renewal Center in our mission of renewal and reconciliation, of hope and healing.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray and give you all the glory and praise!


[Lucia Ferrara, the director of hospitality at Precious Blood Renewal Center, composed this prayer and used it at one of our team meetings. We asked Lucia if we could share it with the wider Renewal Center community. She gladly consented. You may want to add it to your daily prayers.]


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