During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25, 2024, leaders from churches in the Liberty area walked and prayed for our neighbors in a variety of locations.
Organized and produced by the Liberty-Area Ministerial Alliance. www.libertyministerialalliance.com
The song “Siyahamba” is a traditional Zulu song. Copyright © 1984, Peace of Music Publishing AB, Walton Music Corp., a division of GIA Publications, Inc. Streamed online with permission under Onelicense.net #A-729952. Sung and produced by the choir of Second Baptist Church in Liberty, Missouri.
Taizé is an ecumenical, meditative prayer experience using music, chants and scripture. We gather on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. Each month we explore a different theme. The theme for September was "New Beginnings."
By Fr. Garry Richmeier
Just like houseplants have certain necessities — the right temperature, water, nutrients and sunshine — without which they can’t live and thrive. People too have a few necessities to live full and meaningful lives.