
Book Study: The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr

October 18, 2022 – May 16, 2023

Facilitated by Fr. Garry Richmeier CPPS Drawing on scripture, history, and spiritual practice, Richard Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world.

Taizé for July: Freedom, sacrifice and responsibility

July 7, 2022

Taizé is an ecumenical, meditative prayer experience using music, chants and scripture. We gather on the first Thursday of every month. The theme for July is Freedom, sacrifice and responsibility. Registration Today.

Stilling the Soul: Positive Ways to Manage Stress

June 11, 2022

Stress is part of all of our lives and comes from many sources: marital issues, family disputes, chronic illness, work, loss of a loved one, unsettling national or world events. Join us for a relaxing day of calming activities, explore practical ways to manage stress and refresh our souls.

Taizé for June: Come Holy Spirit, Empower Us

June 2, 2022

We pray that this Season of Pentecost will bring us to new life in the world of the Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, Empower Us!

Taizé for May: Resurrection: Our Common Hope

May 5, 2022

Easter is the feast of hope, direction, purpose, meaning, and community. Jesus destroyed death for all of us. Easter is an announcement of our common hope.

Taizé for April: Hope & Trust

April 7, 2022

Like Job, we cry out, “Where is my hope?” We long to hear Joshua, “Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you.” We pray for hope and trust as we gather in April for our Taizé prayer service.

5th Annual Iftar Dinner With the Dialogue Institute of Kansas City

April 5, 2022

For the 5th consecutive year, the Renewal Center will join with the Dialogue Institute of Kansas City to celebrate Iftar, the meal that breaks the daylong fasts Muslims practice during their holy month of Ramadan.

Taizé for March: Embraced by Love

March 3, 2022

We will recall Jesus’ agony in the garden as a mediation on love. Lent gives us the chance not to prove how holy we are, but to help us see that true peace resides in God’s loving embrace.

Taizé for February: “God’s Gonna Trouble the Water”

February 3, 2022

As we gather in February for our Taizé prayer service, we lament together the stark reality of racism in our world, our country and our local community. May the Holy Spirit inspire us toward action for racial justice.

Taizé for January: Reclaim, Renew Your Life

January 6, 2022

The dawn of a new year is the time to reclaim your life. “Come and be with us Holy Spirit,” will be our prayer as we gather in January for our Taizé prayer service.